Indonesian Journal Of Education and Learning Mathematics
IJELM: Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education and Learning is a peer-reviewed open access journal published twice a year (April and October). IJELM provides a platform for lecturers, academics, researchers, practitioners and students to convey and share knowledge in the form of empirical and theoretical research articles. IJELM was successfully published twice in each volume and published in the online version (e-ISSN 2775-8397). The scope of IJELM is Mathematics Education, but is not limited to the following topics: Mathematics Ability, Mathematics Learning Models, Mathematics Learning Media, Curriculum Development, Assessment and Evaluation, Didactical Design Research (DDR), Realistic Mathematics Education (RME), Ethnomathematics, Research and Development (RnD).
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA dan Keilmuan (JPIK)
Journal of Natural Science and Scientific Education (JPIK) is a periodic journal published by the STKIP Modern Ngawi Science Education Study Program which contains research in the field of Natural Science Education and related sciences.
Journal Active of Sports
This journal covers several studies in the fields of physical education,
achievement sports, traditional sports, sport management and so on based on sports principles. -
Journal of Modern Early Childhood Education
Journal of Modern Early Childhood Education atau JMECE merupakan jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini yang dikelola oleh PG PAUD STKIP Modern Ngawi. Beragam artikel ilmiah yang memuat tentang isu penting seputar Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, dapat dipublikasikan di jurnal ini. Jurnal JMECE ini terbit setiap dua kali dalam setahun yakni dibulan Februari dan Agustus.