Pemberdayaan Keluarga dalam Edukasi Penanganan Stunting Berorientasi Hasil Bumi Kabupaten Ngawi

  • Octavian Dwi Tanto STKIP Modern Ngawi
  • Yes Matheos Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Aba Sandi Prayoga STKIP Modern Ngawi
  • Hamidatus Daris Sa Adah Akademi Keperawatan Ngawi
Keywords: Family Empowerment, Stunting,, Agricultural Products


The high prevalence of stunting in the world represents a threat to the existence of every nation. This serious threat is reflected in data showing that more than ¼ of children in the world will experience stunting in 2020. In Indonesia, stunting cases also threaten the existence of the nation's next generation. The results of the SSGI survey reveal that in 2022 the prevalence of stunting will reach a percentage of 21.65 or more than 7 million children under five in Indonesia will experience stunting. Even though the percentage of stunting prevalence in the world and Indonesia has decreased, the large number of children experiencing stunting reflects the still poor handling of this case. Representing the factual data above, the prevalence of stunting in Ngawi district is classified as very high. Even when the percentage of stunting prevalence in the world and Indonesia is decreasing, in Ngawi Regency it is actually increasing. The SSGI survey results show that the percentage of children experiencing stunting in Ngawi Regency in 2022 will increase to 28.5%. The aim of this Community Service is to provide education to families in dealing with stunting which is oriented towards Ngawi district agricultural products. The method used in carrying out this activity is the survey method. The results of this Community Service show that a total of 72 residents affected by stunting have an increase in the percentage of knowledge, understanding and application in utilizing the potential of local agricultural products for handling stunting.
