Analisis Problematika Pembelajaran IPA di Kelas VIIID SMP Negeri 4 Ngawi Pada Materi Unsur dan Senyawa

  • Riftya Yunanda Putri Rahma Miftakhul Huda STKIP Modern Ngawi
  • Anis Zahrotin STKIP MODERN Ngawi
  • Army Al Islami Ali Putra STKIP MODERN Ngawi
Keywords: Problematic, Learning, Sains


This analysis aims to describe the problems of science learning in class VIIID of SMP Negeri 4 Ngawi. The method used in this analysis is descriptive qualitative. The subject of analysis was one science teacher at SMP Negeri 4 Ngawi, and several students in class VIIID at SMP Negeri 4 Ngawi. The analytical instrument used in this analysis is interviews. The results of this analysis show several science learning problems that occur in class VIIID of SMP Negeri 4 Ngawi in the material Elements and Compounds. And in the Elements and Compounds material in class VIIID of SMP Negeri 4 Ngawi there are still learning problems such as students’ learning motivation is still low, students are not focused on learning.
